Necessity is the mother of invention

Research & Development + innovation

In order to ensure permanent innovation, we incorporate future trends in the products we develop, maintaining our team's focus on everything that positively distinguishes us from our competitors. It is crucial to work closely with reference entities and associations. Bearing these objectives in mind, we have established strong partnerships with the following institutions:


Ensuring an exquisite innovation strategy, we have been working in strict collaboration with INESC TEC for the past twenty years, with whom we share teams and scour for new and better solutions for our clients, as it is mentioned in our slogan "software innovation for industry".

INESC TEC is a non-profitable private institution that is focused on scientific investigation and technological development activities, technology transfers, advanced consulting and training, and pre-incubation of new technological-based companies. This institution merges the academy, companies, public administration and society. The knowledge and the conclusions reached from research are put into practice in technology projects, seeking to create value and immediate social relevance.

Throughout the years, this collaboration has been allowing the transference of technological processes.

Technological Clusters


Softi9 is a founding member of Produtech - Production Technologies Cluster.

It's an articulated network of suppliers of production technologies, able to respond to the challenges and requirements of competitiveness and sustainability of the manufacturing industry, with innovative, flexible, integrated and competitive solutions. Its Action Program integrates activities and projects in the areas of Cooperation, Internationalization and Innovation and it is developed in close collaboration with the main user sectors and with entities from the scientific and technological system.

As an active member of this network, Softi9 guarantees that the development of its products is aligned, from the very first moment, with the reality and specific needs of the market, relying on industrial companies of reference, both nationally and internationally.


As a software house, it is crucial for Softi9 to integrate the Information Technologies, Comunication and Electronics Cluster, TICE.PT.

This cluster was founded in 2008, with its headquarters in Aveiro. TICE.PT engages and mobilizes relevant actors from across the country, covering the entire value chain in the TICE area. The concertation platform TICE.PT garantees and promotes the interfaces between the academic world, represented by universities and R&D institutes, as well as the world of business, represented by the associates and their networks, especially SME's (Small and Medium Enterprises), represented by its business associations. TICE.PT intends to foster and boost the Networking strategies for the sector. Networking between the enterprises and the R&D centers, inclucing an active reform of the national business sector, producing positive effects in the national offers, enhanced by inovation and knowledge, improving the exporting capacity and increasing value in the national products.